Many lighthouses rising up in different nations with more people carrying resources, walking on beams of glory


On 27 August 2018, Pastor Callie received a mega assignment to establish 6 Watch Towers in Alaska, Norway, Far East of Russia, Australia, South Africa and Argentina. This was confirmed by Prophet Doug Addisson who said on 27th August that He saw a giant Key Angel taking key back from different ones who did not finished the assignment and redistributing the key to others to do the assignment.  Ps Callie was excited that WHop has been given this new assignment to partner with God to do what is on His heart.

7 Watch Towers

The 6 Watch Towers will form the Worldwide Glory NetWork (WGN).

From 18 January to 24 April 2019, Pastor Callie began a faith journey to the continents, starting with Alaska which would be the Launch Pad for this assignment. God amazingly provided all the connections, and His hand and foot prints were manifested all over her maiden missionary journey. During her trip, the Lord clarified further that the Watch Towers were to be established in 6 continents :

  1. Anchorage in Alaska (North America continent)
  2. Oslo in Norway (Europe continent)
  3. Petropavlovsk in Russia (Asia continent)
  4. Sydney in Australia (Australasia continent)
  5. Cape Town in South Africa (Africa continent)
  6. Buenos Aires in Argentina (South America continent)

This is to fulfil what God has given to WHop in December 2011 when someone who Ps Callie do not know came and drew a picture of this vision where he placed the lighthouses in the 6 continents for the 2nd vision given by God to WHop.


As Pastor Callie enquire of God the reasons for assigning WHop to this assignment, He said WHop is to transfer the DNAs in WHop to these 6 nations for God’s endtime plan.