WHoP Australia

WHoP Oceania, the Watchtower for Oceania is located in Sydney, Australia. It was commissioned on 2 December 2019 and is progressing to become a 24/7 Watchtower.

We believe that Sydney will play a central role in the fulfillment of the prophecy that Smith Wigglesworth made of Australia in 1927, ā€œYou (Australia) have been chosen by God for a great move of the Holy Spiritā€¦ this move of God will be the greatest move of God ever known in mankindā€™s history and will start towards the end of the 20th century and move into the 21st century. This move of God will start a great revival in Australia and spread throughout the worldā€¦ā€ WHoP Australia is praying for this prophecy to come to pass.

To date, we have set up WHoP Papua New Guinea

Please send us an inquiry through the inquiry form below to find out more or visit us.

Venue: 3 haultain street, Minto, NSW 2566
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Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting ourselves in the hands of God, at his disposition, and listening to His voice in the depths of our own hearts.Ā 

Mother Theresa


We invite you to join us as a Watchman, worship leader, musician, dancer or be part of the digital, creative and media team!